It was the best of
times, it was the worst of times – although right now it just seems like the
worst of times, with the world stricken either by the Chinese coronavirus itself
(that’s right, I called it Chinese) or by the media-fanned panic about it. But a
silver lining of any crisis, perceived or real, is that it swiftly reveals who
one’s friends really are – whom you can trust when the chips are down – and
that is a vital lesson for Americans to take to heart.
Conversely, of
course, a crisis also exposes who one’s enemies are, and that may
be an even more valuable lesson to digest. Whom has the coronavirus pandemic
shown to be the enemies of the American people? Let us run down the list.
is not your friend. More specifically, the Communist Chinese regime – not the Chinese
people as a whole – is not your friend. This should come as no surprise to most
Americans, but as Bill Gertz notes in his recent book Deceiving
the Sky: Inside Communist China’s Drive for Global Supremacy, in past decades
American governments, both Democrat and Republican, have suffered from a
willful blindness about that country stemming from the false assumption that “if
the United States simply conducted business with China, the Communist regime in
Beijing would eventually evolve into a free market, democratic system,” and
then we would be partners. Unfortunately, the plain fact is that China is
driven not only to position itself as the world’s preeminent superpower, but to
destroy America in the process.
The coronavirus
originated in China (and may even have been weaponized in a lab; the leftist media
treats this possibility as a conspiracy theory, of course) and the regime did
its utmost to suppress any information about it even as countless numbers of
Chinese travelers spread it abroad. For that reason, the culpability for the many
thousands of coronavirus deaths worldwide, as well as the devastating economic
impact, can be laid directly on the regime’s doorstep. China officially continues
to deny responsibility and has even attempted to shift blame to the United
States, because the left’s automatic, go-to strategy is to accuse others of
that of which you are guilty.
Our willful
blindness has been reinforced by the establishment news media’s obsession with
Russia since 2016, which has provided recent cover for China’s dangerous
ambition. Which brings us to…
leftist news media is not your friend. American patriots have long known that the Democrat-controlled
news media is the enemy of the people, never more so than during the age of
Trump. Indeed, he occupies the Oval Office in large part because he relishes exposing
so many so-called journalists as the leftist activists they are, and goading
them into confirming their bias every day.
News propagandists
at every network have disseminated Chinese disinformation about the coronavirus,
whipped up hysteria about it, ignored positive developments, and steered blame
toward Trump. Chuck Todd (pictured above, with Joe
Biden), to name one media hack, shamefully declared that the
President has “blood on his hands.” Citizens who care about the truth and about
making America great again must choose from two options: tune them out or call
them out. Either way, never forget that they have no interest at heart but Democrat
power. And that leads us to…
From the very
moment the coronavirus outbreak hit the news, the Democrats saw an opportunity
to exploit it and weaponize it against President Trump, the man they had failed
to take down first through a fruitless three-year investigation into his
purported collusion with Russia, and then through a shamefully partisan stab at
impeachment. They fantasized that this pandemic could be Trump’s Katrina, a
disaster they could pin on him just in time for the coming election. It
mattered not whether hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans could
die, as some Democrat leaders and their media enablers hysterically warned they
will; what matters is that the pandemic could tank the economy, which had been
booming under Trump.
In an echo of
former Obama strategist Rahm Emanuel’s notorious line about never letting a
crisis go to waste, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn reportedly told fellow Democrats on a recent conference
call, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our
vision.” This is not a bipartisan statement of concern about American lives;
this is a naked admission of the Democrat lust for power. A political party
that cannot set aside partisanship in a time of crisis for the sake of the
country’s citizens, but instead seizes upon that crisis to hold the country
hostage in order to push its insane socialist policies through, is a party that
does not care whether its citizens – Democrats included – live or die.
are not your friend. Yale
historian Frank Snowden declared last month that
the coronavirus pandemic “is emphatically a disease of globalization.” Globalist
entities like the anti-American United Nations, the power-mad elites at the European
Union, and the worthless World Health Organization, all of which resent and
oppose nation-state independence, have exacerbated
the pandemic by protecting China, pushing for mass migration and open
borders, and condemning border security concerns as racist and fascist.
bureaucrats are not your friends. Low-level politicians of any party who leap at the
opportunity to shut down your business as “nonessential,” keep you under
house arrest, shut down gun
shops while opening up prisons to avoid a potential
jailhouse epidemic, and report the license
plate numbers of churchgoers to officials do not have the best interests of
American citizens at heart. Similarly, your fellow citizens who are eager to
report you to the authorities for protesting such totalitarian decrees are also
your enemies. They are all totalitarians exploiting the coronavirus as an
opportunity to wield and expand their power by diminishing your rights and
And who has proven to be our friends
during this pandemic? As the late, great Fred Rogers once said, in times
of trouble, there are always helpers -- look for them. The helpers during this
pandemic, as always, are not snarky celebrities or media talking heads or
grandstanding politicians but “ordinary” Americans, everyday heroes working
tirelessly and mostly anonymously to provide essential services and keep
America running – sometimes literally putting their health and safety on the
line: first responders, medical personnel, farmers, ranchers, truckers and the
like. These are the Americans in every community you can trust, the Americans
who care about their neighbors and their country.
Some corporations,
too, have proven to be better friends than our political leaders and
institutions. Leftists always scorn corporations and look to big government to
rescue us, but in fact it has been capitalist entities that dove into
anti-coronavirus efforts with more drive and alacrity – and less bureaucratic
red tape – than the government. For example, My Pillow founder and Trump
friend Michael J. Lindell announced last month that 75% of his company’s
production would be retooled to make cotton face masks for health care workers –
a decisive action of service to his fellow Americans that the anti-Trump news media
hatefully scorned as mere self-promotion. (The unhelpful media also attacked Lindell
for daring to urge America to focus more during the pandemic on God and family,
two anchors of our civilization that the left despises.)
Someone once noted
that sports do not build character; they reveal it. It is the same with a
crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has revealed, and continues to reveal, whose
character is heroic, trustworthy, honorable, and compassionate, and whose is
self-serving, opportunistic, and ruthless. Take heed, America, and remember
this for when the crisis passes.
From FrontPage Mag, 4/12/20