
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Enough, Enough, Enough

If the witnesses are to be believed, then this story (first brought to my attention by fellow NewsReal blogger Lisa Graas) of an heroic 3-year-old is unbearably tragic - all the more so because Western media barely covered the horrific massacre of Iraqi Catholics inside a Baghdad church last month.

Frances Cardinal George, in his his address to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, shared the reports of witnesses that

Among the victims of this senseless tragedy was a little boy named Adam. Three-year-old Adam witnessed the horror of dozens of deaths, including that of his own parents. He wandered among the corpses and the blood, following the terrorists around and admonishing them, ‘enough, enough, enough.’ According to witnesses, this continued for two hours until Adam was himself murdered.

Adam could have hidden among the corpses to save himself. He could have tried to run. Perhaps he could even have tried pleading for his life. Instead, he harassed the Muslim butchers for a full two hours to get them to stop the carnage – until they finally silenced him as they had permanently silenced his parents.

Three-year-old Adam had the self-awareness and courage to confront evil. By disgraceful contrast, our leaders refuse to use the words jihad, mujihadeen, Islam, etc. for fear of insulting the very ones who are waging war on civilization. Western world leaders, particularly our own president, have embraced dhimmitude as the very cornerstone of our relationship with the Muslim world. Political correctness has us all wringing our hands while religious fanatics tear at the fabric of our culture like wild dogs.

Cardinal George finished his speech by reminding us that “as Americans, we cannot turn from this scene or allow the world to overlook it.” Indeed not. Shame on us if we let Adam's memory fade and don’t take up his courageous cry for ourselves: "Enough."