With the possible
exception of freedom fighter and European political party leader Geert Wilders,
there is arguably no critic of Islam more despised and feared by the Religion
of Peace’s apologists than the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s own Robert
Spencer, director of the indispensable Jihad Watch website and the author of
nearly twenty books.
Spencer is
routinely labeled a so-called Islamophobe by those who conflate criticism of
Islam with bigotry toward Muslims. This makes him the target of an astonishing
amount of hatred and even threats of violence because our media and political
elites have inflated the purported danger of “Islamophobia” to a degree of
cultural concern greater than the danger of actual Islamic terrorism.
The George
Soros-funded smear organization known as the Southern Poverty Law Center has
designated the “extremist” Spencer “one of America’s most prolific and vociferous
anti-Muslim propagandists” (note the use of the inflammatory terms
“propagandist” and “anti-Muslim,” the latter of which falsely paints him as a
hater of Muslims themselves rather than as a critic of the ideology).
His speaking
engagements, when they are not disrupted by protesters or cancelled by those
who refuse to debate him or even hear him out, require personal security to
protect him from the violence of those who accuse him of inciting violence. After
a presentation in Iceland earlier this year, Spencer was actually poisoned by a
suspected opponent who wanted to silence him permanently.
Robert Spencer is
certainly not alone in being branded an Islamophobe; he is simply one of the most
prominent because he is the best-educated about Islam and the most relentless
thorn in the side of those who would whitewash it. Any public critic of Islam’s
demonstrably hateful, violent, and supremacist tenets risks being smeared by
the ugly label.